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REINER SCT Case Study: Butcher’s Dietz

Butcher’s Dietz GmbH,Bietigheim-Bissingen
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Dietz butcher’s shop can now assign access rights itself at lightning speed

When Friedrich Dietz opened his butcher’s shop in Bietigheim in 1889, there was still a king in Württemberg and the animals were still kept on pasture. Four generations later, times may have changed, but the family business has remained true to the high quality standards of the past: “If the butcher doesn’t know it, he won’t sell it,” says today’s boss Wilhelm Dietz. That is why he buys directly from farmers in the region and processes only the best ingredients, species-appropriate animals and local breeds in Bietigheim-Bissingen in Württemberg – sometimes still according to old family recipes.

Organize different working hours

But that’s all that’s “old-fashioned” – in the best sense of the word – in the butcher’s shop. Otherwise, the boss relies on modern technology. This also applies to access to the production facility. “You see, the boss used to be the first and last person in the company to open and close up. In the meantime, however, working hours have expanded and this is no longer feasible,” says Dietz. The up to 35 employees in production now come and go at very different times: “The cutters start work at 1 a.m., but are rarely still there after 12 p.m.; the regular production employees usually work between 5 a.m. and 3 p.m.; the plant manager must always have access,” says Dietz, describing the current situation. To ensure that no employee is left standing in front of locked doors, Dietz controls access times with the help of a machine.

Old solution was too complex

The butcher introduced electronic access control in production back in 2001. However, this ultimately proved to be too complicated and costly. “We were dissatisfied because the system was programming-unfriendly and we couldn’t change enough ourselves,” says Dietz. “We wanted a system that was tidy and easy to use,” says the Managing Director. His long-standing IT service provider ZAHNER NET recommended the access control system from REINER SCT to Wilhelm Dietz. Dietz relied on the advice provided and not only was the decision in favor of the new system made in a flash, but it was also installed in Bietigheim-Bissingen. With the help of ZAHNER NET, all production employees were entered within 2-3 hours, different groups of people were created and the access times for these groups were defined. The tamper-proof outdoor sensor was mounted on the wall in the entrance area to the production building. Each employee was given a transponder – an “electronic key” the size of a shopping chip – which is simply held up to the terminal and their arrival or departure is registered. Communication between the wall terminal, the workstation PC in the office and the server is particularly securely encrypted.

Smart and flexible

“It’s something nice,” says Dietz from Württemberg about the system and grins. What he appreciates most about it is that the new access control system – which has now been in use for over a year – is very flexible, easy to operate and is controlled via the boss’s PC. At any time and with just a few clicks, the boss can create new employees, assign authorizations and deactivate employees who have left the company. “We can also see at a glance which employee has come and gone and when, and can document access,” says Dietz. Electronic access control is permanently cheaper and more convenient than a classic key solution and usually pays for itself if a key is lost. With a conventional system, the entire locking system has to be replaced in an emergency – with timeCard a simple click is enough and the electronic key is locked immediately. The REINER SCT system is characterized above all by the fact that it worked smoothly right from the start. “It’s running”, says Wilhelm Dietz, summing up what is particularly important for medium-sized companies like his: “No maintenance, no downtime, no problems”. Dietz also appreciates the proximity to his IT service provider ZAHNER NET. “It’s important to have someone who can help quickly if you do have a question,” says Dietz.