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Category: Press

Press release 03/08

Furtwangen, February 21, 2008 – One of the key topics at this year’s CeBIT: the chip card in home banking. This is now finally gaining acceptance as a security medium

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Press release 02/08

Furtwangen, February 06, 2008 – The new procedure allows voters to check that their vote has been counted correctly using a printed receipt. Security does not depend on the voting

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Press release 01/08

Furtwangen, January 15, 2008 – Security remains the central issue in online banking: according to the BKA, 3,100 cases of fraud had already been reported by the end of October

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Press release 11/07

Furtwangen, November 15, 2007 – “Simply enter the bank code, the institution or the city and the user receives immediate results. The selection is further simplified by a direct link

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Press release 10/07

Furtwangen, November 5, 2007 – “The best protection against hackers in online banking is currently provided by HBCI in conjunction with a chip card and a card reader,” emphasizes Carsten

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Press release 09/07

Furtwangen, October 01, 2007 – The voucher is included in the package with the security class 3 card reader, cyber jack® e-com, for secure HBCI and home banking. The new

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Press release 08/07

Furtwangen, September 19, 2007 – Reiner SCT has created a new print advertising campaign and a 20-page special publication for this purpose, which will appear as an insert in Focus

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Press release 07/07

Furtwangen, June 22, 2007 – GAD, IT service provider for banks, introduced the security procedure in the fall of 2003. Reiner SCT, market leader for chip card readers, has a

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Press release 06/07

Hamburg, June 12, 2007 – Most online bankers are familiar with phishing, pharming and Trojans. Nevertheless, Internet fraudsters still find numerous victims among online bankers. Although HBCI with chip card

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Press release 05/07

Hamburg, June 12, 2007 – This is what independent security experts and banks recommend. In contrast to web banking with PIN/TAN, this does involve initial costs for chip card readers

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