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Category: Press

Press release 04/07

Furtwangen, May 15, 2007 – According to the GeldKarte initiative, chip card holders loaded a total of 48.3 million euros onto their electronic wallets in the first three months. At

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Press release 03/07

Furtwangen, March 16, 2007 – At www.smartbasar.de you will find online retailers that offer the GeldKarte payment functions. If the customer wants to buy a product, he inserts the GeldKarte

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Press release 02/07

Furtwangen, February 23, 2007 – “With this result, we are further expanding our market leadership in chip card readers,” says Carsten Sommer, Managing Director of Reiner SCT. “Consumers and companies

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Press release 01/07

Furtwangen, January 29, 2007 – At its stand B60 in Hall 17, the Black Forest company will be showing visitors to the trade fair its devices for processing chip cards

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Press release 09/06

Furtwangen, December 8, 2006 – The new, innovative two-step TAN procedure for more security in online banking was developed by GAD eG, IT service provider for banks. Volksbanken and Raiffeisenbanken

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Press release 08/06

Furtwangen, 11/15/2006 – REINER SCT has integrated the Mobotix M22M Secure camera into the time card time recording system. The market leader for smart card technologies in Germany is thus

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Press release 07/06

Furtwangen, May 19, 2006 – With this partnership, REINER SCT intends to further expand its market position in the smart card reader sector, provide new purchasing impulses and further increase

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Press release 06/06

Furtwangen, CeBIT 2006, Hall 17, Stand B60 – The handy device simply and securely provides up-to-date TANs that are guaranteed not to be misused by third parties. This is because

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Press release 05/06

Furtwangen, CeBIT 2006, Hall 17, Stand B60 – The joint security solution is based on the electronic signature of the customer and the bank. Any data manipulation is recognizable for

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Press release 04/06

Furtwangen, 09.02.2006 – Online banking with HBCI is recommended by critical financial experts. “This recommendation will hopefully bring even more momentum to the HBCI market,” says Carsten Sommer, Managing Director

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