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Category: Press

Press release 11/13

Spying activities by American secret services, an allegedly insecure electronic ID card, fear of fraud in online banking, a lack of data protection in companies – the media coverage of

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Press release 10/13

The cooperation partners are currently developing the first joint product, “cgToken”. A prototype will enter the pilot phase with selected users this summer. cgToken is the size of a key

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Press release 09/13

The curve of devices sold for secure online banking is pointing steadily upwards. Since the mid-2000s, there has been an increased awareness of security among internet users, which has supported

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Press release 07/13

“Making the market together” is the motto of the new partner program. Marcel Theijs, General Sales Manager at REINER SCT, announced the goal of expanding the sales organization, making it

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Press release 08/13

In future, the time recording solution “timeCard” from REINER SCT will be available in a combination package with the ERP software from blue office®. The partners signed their cooperation agreement

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Press release 06/13

With the cloud software Cockpit ® software, private individuals and business people can store their data securely encrypted in the cloud. Thanks to the new app for smartphones, this is

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Press release 05/13

The time recording solution time Card from REINER SCT is now also available as a pure software package. It consists of the basic license, the module for vacation, shift and

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Press release 04/13

Secure online banking “to go” – this is possible with the new cyber Jack ® go reader. Just in time for CeBIT, the most popular account management programs for Windows

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Press release 03/13

REINER SCT, Fiducia IT AG and GAD eG will be presenting a new solution for generating transaction numbers (TAN) with smartphones at CeBIT: The information required to generate a TAN

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Press release 02/13

PC go magazine awarded the top mark in the individual test of “${cloudCockpit}” in issue 2/2013. The editorial team rated the software as “very good”. Their conclusion: “${cloudCockpit} ensures security

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