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Press release 11/12

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Markus Zahner from ZAHNER NET(www.zahner-net.de) is REINER SCT’s “Partner of the Year”. He is also the first winner of this new campaign. “With this measure, we want to duly recognize our particularly committed sales partners,” says Marcel Theijs, Head of Sales at REINER SCT, describing the motivation for the award.
ZAHNER NET was founded in 2000 and has been a partner of REINER SCT since April 2009 and a Certified Partner since October 2009.
In addition to the IT system house and the topics of data protection and IT security, time recording and access control solutions from REINER SCT are the third pillar of the Württemberg-based IT service provider.
The company from Bietigheim-Bissingen values partnerships, particularly with manufacturers from the region, in order to be able to serve customers optimally thanks to short distances.
The cooperation with REINER SCT is particularly valuable for the IT service provider: “At REINER SCT, I can have an individual influence on the products. Suggestions for improvement are gladly accepted and quickly implemented – both sides benefit from this and it makes my work with customers much easier.”
The award makes him “kind of proud” – “I actually see my commitment as necessary day-to-day business, but the recognition is still great,” says Zahner.

Creativity has convinced

“Markus Zahner impressed us with his creativity and his many own campaigns. We are particularly pleased with the extent to which ZAHNER NET is involved in taking on support cases, training for customers, acquiring new customers and positioning our brand,” says Marcel Theijs, explaining the choice.
And Thomas Peter, Sales Manager Trade at REINER SCT, adds: “Many of our partners are very active, but Markus Zahner is proactive.”
The “Partner of the Year” award is part of REINER SCT’s new partner program, which was presented at the REINER SCT sales partner conference in Frankfurt am Main at the end of October.
All Certified Partners had the opportunity to win the title.
In determining the winner, not only the turnover achieved with REINER SCT products played a role, but also the partner’s general offensive approach to the REINER SCT brand.
The first-time awarding of the “Partner of the Year” title by REINER SCT was met with great interest by the specialist dealers who took part in the partner conference.
“I want to be one too!” announced one of the partners immediately.
Accordingly, Markus Zahner was a sought-after discussion partner during the conference breaks and readily explained his approach to the REINER SCT partnership.