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11 tips for secure online banking

Table of contents

Our tips at a glance

  1. Memorize your PIN and destroy all papers with it on them.
  2. Never disclose your PIN / TAN! Even banks will never ask you about it.
  3. Keep your virus scanner and firewall up to date on your PC and cell phone.
  4. Check regularly whether the manufacturer of the operating system offers new security updates.
  5. Check your bank statements regularly.
  6. Set a daily limit for transfers.
  7. Use online banking with an account that does not hold large sums of money.
  8. Find out about current fraud attempts and read your bank’s security instructions.
  9. Do not use online banking from other people’s computers.
  10. Do not work with administrator rights.
  11. Always enter the URL of the bank manually in the address line.